
Sunday, November 13, 2005

mod_security for Apache.

Something I have screwing around with lately is mod_security and I have to say I like it. It adds a lot of usefull features to Apache such as extended logging and filtering. I especially like the filtering. You can even set it up to block URLs that could be a security risk. Based on word matching like this:

SecFilter "!php"

or pattern matching :

SecFilter "<[[:space:]]>*script"

or even SQL like this:

SecFilter "delete[.*]from[[:spce:]]*"

It's possilbe to filter out stuff you don't want to, so use discretion when creating them. Used properly this can be a really nice tool. There is much more to mod_security than said here. If you run a Apache web server you should check it out.

Once set up, use Nikto to run a vulneribility scan against your machine. See how it goes, I would expect it do better under those conditions.

More info can be found here:


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